Customer Testimonials

Perfit jars

Great products, great price. Karen is super helpful to deal with. I have bought stuff off them a number of times and never get let down. The perfit jars with the new lids are great.

Ben Gundry

NZ 2024-02-08


What a pleasure to deal with The Preserving Pan. Karen contacted me directly when she received my order to let me know when it would be delivered and the freighting cost. Fabulous service and products. Love Digby Law's relish and chutney book.

Paula Nicolson

NZ 2024-02-08

Silicone Seals

After searching all the local kitchenware businesses for what wanted I resorted to google and came across your website. Awesome! And great service! Will definitely be recommending to others.


NZ 2024-02-06

Perfit New Canning Lids

I’m relatively new to pressure canning and have started using the new Pert Canning Lids Amazing, no failures compared to other lid’s I’ve used and the new lids are priced well Would recommend using the new Perfit Canning lids


NZ 2024-02-04

Best customer service

Can highly recommend purchasing from here. The price was the best I could find, on top of that customer service was amazing. I got contacted immediately, items shipped straight away.


NZ 2024-02-04

Great service

Very happy with service and quality of product


NZ 2024-02-03

Perfit Lids - I’m impressed

Wow, my order for the new Perfit Canning Lid arrived within a couple of days. Karen was straight onto it and her customer service is top notch. I’ve now used the new lids in both my pressure canner and steam canner and have had a 100% success rate.

Fiona Downey

NZ 2024-02-03

Pop top bottle lid purchase

Fast easy sale with excellent communication. Product is exactly as I wanted. Thank you. Will definitely use again and recommend


NZ 2024-02-03

Great service

Great service, fast communication, products arrived in perfect condition

Charlotte Davies

NZ 2024-02-03

Lids and jars

Great service yet again from the preserving pan.


NZ 2024-02-03


Many thanks for the fast, friendly and efficient supply of what was a small order and the excellent way it was managed and delivered to Christchurch


NZ 2024-02-03

Silicone Seals

After searching all the local kitchenware businesses for what wanted I resorted to google and came across your website. Awesome! And great service! Will definitely be recommending to others.


NZ 2024-02-02